



Acheron is the Greek river of pain and suffering
Elysium is the Greek version of Heaven or Paradise

Basically I wanted to symbolize the dual nature of life

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Blacken The Cursed Sun

"Is there still hope for us?
Can we still be saved?
Does your God hold a place for us?
Is there time to repent?"

These are lyrics from a song I heard recently called Blacken The Cursed Sun by this band called Lamb Of God. This is a song that is anti-organised religion. It's about how religion has been corrupted and when the end of days is at hand we will be shown no mercy. A lot of institutions have criticized this as heresy and satanic lyrics but I beg to differ.

Over the past few months the news have been filled with the Vatican and the pedophiles within. Christianity is not the only religion where this corruption and defilement of religion is seen. For example lets take terrorist organisations like the Al-Qaeda or Taliban. They preach that all the violence they have committed are in the name of Allah. This is a completely twisted and distorted interpretation of Islam. This has also caused a lot of hate in western countries towards Middle-Eastern Countries. Some people are racist enough to call any person with brown skin a 'terrorist'. I have observed in many so called 'Christian forums' that one of the pathways to demonic possessions and satanism is Eastern religion. What these total ignoramuses don't understand is that CHRISTIANITY  IS  AN  EASTERN  RELIGION . Christ wasn't white. He was BROWN. He was from one of the same countries whose inhabitants these same "Christians" would call terrorists. One such institution that has brutally twisted the concept of Christianity is the Westboro Baptist Church. They have gone so far as to proclaiming that Islam is paganism and that Allah is satanic. For those of you who might not know Islam, Christianity and Judaism are three branches of the same religion. Allah is the Arabic word for God. They are three ways to worship the same faith. Hell, Jesus is a prophet in Islam. By twisting religion to such a great extent how can we say that we are true and devout to our faith. What every history will tell you is that by handing a religion into the hands of a few select people, those people will distort the faith of the religious to their convenience and profit. Be it the High Priests and Pharisees of the New Testament or modern Terrorist Leaders like Osama Bin-Laden. Don't get me wrong, I don't oppose religion, i merely am against facts being distorted for the benefit of religious leaders. So in the end my question to you is, is this type of religious worship right? Where morals are bent for profit, extremism, pseudo-faith and personal vendettas?